IceQueen1020’s final goodbye as Ice Warriors’ Leader 2021 – 2023

Heyooo my fellow dear Ice Warriors and friends! I guess this is the last time I am addressing you all as Ice Warriors Leader. I am writing this on the day of my retirement and as of right now, it still hasn’t sunk in yet but I am sure it will during the event. (I ended up editing and adding things for several hours the day after I officially retired :oop: ). For those of you close to me, you know I really don’t like writing. However, I thought about it for a while and I will regret not writing one. My main reason for writing one is to thank all the love and kindness you all have given me throughout my time in Ice Warriors. To everyone who has come into my life from Ice Warriors and the CPA Community:

💙Thank you💙

These 2 words are small but they carry so much weight and importance in my heart.

Let’s rewind all the way back to 2020. It was lock-down and my best friend IRL told me that Club Penguin was back. I made my account and named it IceQueen1020 (I believe my original username was IceQueen and I think the last time I played was 2010 and here I was in 2020 playing it again). A little while after on a random evening, in-game I came across blue penguins in unison advertising to join a community that gave several coin giveaways and codes! I was obsessed. My eyes lit up and I made a discord account just to join Ice Warriors. It was my first time being in an online community and I was quite weary and shy (you would NOT think that now LOL). A few months down the line, in June 2020, I joined a Hide&Seek game hosted by Regan and Law. That night, I also VCed for the first time and it was such a fun time. Little did I know that I was going to get Troop of the Week soon after and it was given to me by none other than the IW Mythic Regan himself. 😎

I started to get to know more of the Ice Warriors members, and participated in countless events, battles, wars, tournaments and joined other armies in the community including several meme armies. Shout out to CC, HBA, LMA and many more haha. I became SIT in July 2020 and was trained by the amazing Iceyfeet1234 and Dizzy. Somehow they also adopted me even though I was already adopted by Regan and Mare, and I ended with 2 pairs of parents. The Ice Warriors family tree is next level CRAZY. 

September – December 2020 was one of the most memorable periods for me. I was promoted to IW trusted staff and became Leader of Ice Warriors’ best colony: Water Ninjas. Don’t get me wrong, it was ALOT of hard work and ALOT of responsibility however it was a crucial time that shaped me into the IW Leader I was for the last 2 years. It didn’t always feel like hard work because I was co-leading with very close friends who are basically family to me today: Kally, DrQueen and Freedomist. The bonds and the friendship we have is so strong and it really reflected in our teamwork, our shared goals and how we performed as leaders both in Water Ninjas and Ice Warriors. I will forever cherish it all. Together, we managed to change Water Ninjas from S/M army status to Major army status and broke several event size records. Those who once mastered the art of water. We could not have done this without the support from our team, advisors and Ice Warriors. During this time I also met my amazing mentor and current IW Advisor Erick. I would not be where I am today without his guidance and belief in me. I also started to work closely with Icey on revamping the SIT program around this time. I cannot thank Icey and Erick enough for all the tips, advice and belief they gave me during this time. Flash ended in December 2020 and this led to the community to slow down a bit. It was bitter-sweet and I will always remember the final event of Water Ninjas which celebrated the end of the CP Flash Era. 

IW Divisions: Blizzard vs Polar in 2020

2021 was full of many milestones. 22nd January 2021, I became IW LIT whilst we were a gaming server and IW transition over to CPR for our CPA events. It was a privilege to be working with the 2020 generation of IW Leaders and LITs. During this year, Icey, myself and DrQueen also laid the foundations of what makes the amazing SIT Academy what it is today. Ice Warriors also won March Madness for the second year in a row and 10th July 2021 was the day I became IW Leader. It really was a special time and what a better way to end the year than Ice Warriors winning army of the year for 2021:

Ice Warriors: #1 army of 2021
Hall of Fame Event 8th June 2021
BIA Christmas Party 22nd December 2021

2022 was another rollercoaster, and one of my biggest achievements as IW leader was Ice Warriors winning March Madness for three years in a row #THREEPEAT with the very same friends who I led Water Ninjas with 😭. Check this post for MM 2022 memories:

March Madness 2022 Semis IW vs RPF
March Madness 2022 Finals IW vs HF

I could not have had a better leadership team to work with during this time: Kally, DrQueen, Freedomist, Levelz and QtBen. Towards the end of 2022, many of my co-leaders had to retire due to IRL reasons. During this time was when I was being really tested as a Leader of a Club Penguin Army, alot rested on my shoulders. A Leader is nothing without their team and Ice Warriors continued to prove time and time again why we have the #IWBESTSTAFFTEAM. We ended 2022 AND started 2023 off in style and had a new burst of life within the community and saw peak sizes of 30+ and 40+ troops. Thank you to Icey and all the incredible staff members who ALWAYS participated in Icey’s crazy recruiting sessions! This was such an achievement for everyone given that the average event sizes across the CPA community was on a decline throughout 2022. 

New Years Party 31st December 2022

One of my hardest decisions as IW leader was definitely closing the CPA side during March 2023. It was a very tough time for everyone. However, yet again, IW recovered with the strength and dedication from our leadership, staff team and troops. #DON’TFREEZEUP We have been a successful gaming and community server for the last 5 months. Despite being shutdown as an army, we had a very successfull 16th Anniversary week this year! Here is a recap of it:

Ice Warriors 16th Anniversary 3rd June 2023

I have had the opportunity to mentor and work with such great people over the last 2 years who are currently in the leadership team: Qtben, Cloudy, Mogi and Sebzy. I have full faith in them and our HCOM and Staff team to steer Ice Warriors in the right direction and to keep Ice Warriors what it always has been: the most welcoming and friendliest community to exist. 💙❄️

Ice Warriors’ Game Events 2023

Being part of the Ice Warriors for the last 3 years has given me the privilege to work with so many generations of IW Leaders, LITs, Staff, Troops, other Army Leaders and the wider CPA Community. It truly has been an honour. Thank you for all the love, kindness, care and support you all have shown me. I truly am grateful to each and every single one of you. I love you all. 

Wherever we go in life, we are bound to be faced with issues and challenges. We will also make mistakes. Life is a journey. You’re not defined by the mistakes you make but by how you overcome them. Take each day as a new chance and do your best to treat everyone and everything the way you want to be treated. Try to make the most of the opportunities you come across in life. I can say with confidence, the hardships and challenges won’t be there all the time. It’s the good memories and all the laughter and love that will stay with you forever. Make as many memories as you can and cherish all the people who mean alot to you. 

Ice Warriors has been my rock and my 2nd family and that will always remain. I thank God for allowing me to find Ice Warriors, it is a place I have had countless memories, fun and joy. 

To the entire Leadership, Advisory, HCOM and Staff team: I will miss you guys so much. You have been an incredible team to be a leader for. Always reach for the stars and don’t give up on your dreams. I believe in every single one of you. You all are what makes the #IWBESTSTAFFTEAM Love you all forever and always ❤

To all my millions of adopted children and IW Troops: I love you all.

Iceyfeet1234 You have won Father of the year award! I am so grateful and thankful for all your support, encouragement and advice. Thank you for establishing this community and making it continue to thrive till this day. We need to battle in CodeNames again :e6:

Erick09 You’re the best mentor and advisor I could ask for. The hours we spent discussing things, the paragraphs you had to read, the belief, hope and confidence you gave me, thank you for everything Liar09. I wish I was able to lead with you. Sheep pfp ftw. Also get fortnite. (You should check Barry’s message).

LawCorazon You’ve been one of the best advisors and a true friend. I want to visit you someday! Bert hates oatmeal soup. Love you loads Miss LawCroissant ❤ (P.S. Scroll down to Dizzy)

DrQueen Literally my soul twin sister. I could not have asked for a better person to share so much of my IW achievements with. You’ve done so much for me and I can’t even describe it all but I’ve tried to put the best memories in here. You’ll always be a rotten potato :3 Love you always ❤ #QUEENTWINS

Kally Sushi at the hotel again when? UwU I love you ❤ Looking forward to seeing you again soon! I wish I could post photos of when you and Freedomist came to London xD Also you should write a book on the London Underground, I will read it 100%.

Freedomist Do you want a bloody slap? – You’re awesome but Queens FTW actually happened :e6:

Levelz Best birthday twin ever! I appreciate you always :3 (Just don’t bring your cat litter next to me pls)

qtBen You were an amazing duo partner for monthly branch :3 I have returned your qt back to you! qtBen >>> Bean 

Cloudy It really has been wonderful seeing you rank up from SIT to Leader. Wordle buddies forever ❤ #AUSIASTRONG

Mogi You’ll always be my best mentee. You have truly been so amazing and inspired me so much ❤ Keep hold of that crown! I have full faith in you to be an incredible leader :mogiyay: :yayblue: (Scroll down to Delighted’s message xD)

Sebzy Sir Pear, I salute you. You are awesome ❤ Thank you for agreeing to be rescued by me! xD P.S Dw I will beat you in an Arsenal Knife fight anyday!

Regan Best Dad ever. Also, I am the real Elsa and you smell. #DOWNWITHTHEIRA

Shinde You are literally the kindest person I know. Thank you for always looking out for me ❤

BEN You’re the craziest of us all. You spammed me with pigeons as soon as I got leader :screams: 

Flamez, Madhav, Alex Thank you all for believing in me and giving me tips that made me stronger ❤

Orange You’ve been the best advisor for Water Ninjas ever!

Dizzy Thank you for teaching me, you equipped me to be a brilliant staff. You were the best SIT teacher ever ❤

Lemonade1s Wishing you the best lemon homie :3 #TherealhousewifesofIW

Crisy You’re the sweetest person and best big sister ever ❤ It was amazing being SIT teacher with you and kayles :3

Kristina Keep on slaying girllll ❤


Purple Wishing you the best sis ❤ and I hope you open your own starbucks branch xD

Luna You are the most amazing IW sheep angel ❤ Never give up on your goals!

Ramen Wishing you all the best always! You are so inspiring to me and I love you so much sis ❤

Silver I will miss the epic VCs with the whispers and YEEHAWWW lol. You’re amazing ❤

im_Jay You’re one of the most caring people ever. #LOVEYOURSELVES twin!

Chey The real bread of IW (real). I hope you continue your IW journey and go super far! IceQ will always only be a DM away ❤ 

Mewpup I am glad to be the leader that promoted you from your legendary 4ic status!

Nanna You are an INCREDIBLE Banana. P.S  Elsa Army will always win!

Origin I’m so proud of you sis ❤ You’ve tried to be my mum, grandma, wife, everything LOL

Frickle Your amazing banners and your longest birthday message for me, I’ll always cherish them ❤

Hiro Best memer of IW ever! You’re an amazing guitarist bro.

Timothy The best blue car! I’ll miss the times you played piano in VC.

Galaxar The power of uwu will never fail! you’re amazing, never give up ❤

Amethyst The millions of servers you made for all those crazy memories xD Love you daughter ❤

Suation Don’t tell Chey that I said you’re the real bread of IW. Also, I’m looking forward to crashing the car in Fortnite again hahahaha

Gh0st Stop throwing bricks smh. Also when are you gonna change your nickname?

April You are one of IWs most incredible welcomers ❤

Alrq Aprx >>>> Alex always! haha

Aerynn You are an amazing part of the IW staff team and server, love ya ❤

Halo The horror games we played when we were a troop were super fun even tho I was super scared AAAAAAAAA LOL. You are amazing!

Bom I’m mega proud of how fast you climbed up the staff ranks, you’re phenomenal!

Nalvo You’re a very wonderful person and you’re an amazing games host partner :3

Hilal You’re doing super amazing, keep it up!

DiamondMC I’m glad I was able to see you rank up from troop to staff :3

Xboxfan You’re super fun!  Make sure to host games, I believe in you 100%

Blushock I hope life is going well for you dude!

Barry FUEA FOREVER! It was great leading blizzard vs polar with you in 2020!

Panini You’ll always be Pan Pan to me! You’re such an inspiring person ❤

Waddle Thank you for the secret santa gift you made for me back then ❤ I’ll treasure it forever, love you sis ❤

Kayles Hope your doing well :3 Crisy, you and me were the best trio of SIT teachers!

.penguin You’re one amazing awesome fantastic human. Sorry, I MEANT Penguin.

Hunter3 :chadstare: You’re the best chad in IW history. 

/infinite/ WATCH OUT SPAMMER ALERT! We need to play fortnite again and capture all the gas stations xD

Steph IW’s no.1 GamesQueen!

Snow Snow the Queeeen! I will always remember the IW Vet interview I did for you :3

Chek :slap: Cry buckets bozo. Love ya comrade Chekochekdar!

Maya I hope your hockey is going really well ❤

Et3rnal The best captain that IW has ever witnessed. Your drone footage is epic! I will give you food in 1 year.

Alucard Alunoob. I hope happiness for you always :3

Chevy I hope you’re fridge and van are in good condition! I need you to help me move things to retirement island xD

Lime/Bababooey Lime >>>> Bababooey! Ice Teas forever! I miss the times we did karaoke. I hope you’re doing well ❤

Erza Can’t wait to visit you someday. Love you loads my little sis ❤

Aiga You’re the most beautiful butterfly of IW.

Icy Thank you for promoting me with the most amazing message :3 Wishing you all the best for the future ❤ WE NEED TO PLAY VALORANT.

Roman Hope you’re doing well, :ohmydays: will always be one of my fave emotes, thank you for designing it! 

Jakob You’re the Friendliest-Gamer ever to exist :3

Archie Brit gang forever! I miss those Among Us days.

Saoirse You’re such a kind person ❤ Lmk whenever you have KPOP song recommendations!

DragonGrace My nickname for you is the best nickname ever ❤

Reddyred Best great grandson ever + #no.1 Jojo fan! Thank you for all the drawings!

Trails Hope you’re doing amazing in life bro, thank you for all the IceQueen/Elsa art ❤

Rein You’re one of my biggest supporters and you’re the most talented Robloxian I know :3 Thank you for all your help with establishing the Ice Warriors Roblox Group!

Melonz Your positive messages always lifted our spirits in Ice Warriors ❤ P.S. I’ll feed you again in 1 year!

Isacake You’re the kindest and sweetest troop and an outstanding VC Leader ❤

DelightedGOYAL I’m so proud of how far you’ve come, you’re amazing. BEST ROBLOX TRIO: Delighted, Mogi and IceQueen!

Yeyprodigy Frozen sisters forever! Thank you for taking care of the IceQueen’s Family server all this time ❤

Nedux The best mocha bear ever :3 You were the one who first started off the legendary IceQueen’s children story xD Thank you!

Pumpkin Thank you for the gacha pfp designs ❤

Bun You were so kind in everything you said and did, I’m so proud of you ❤

Ash One of the most talented GFX artists IW has seen!

Hana You’re IW’s most talented singer ever ❤

Turbo Would you like a cup of tae? 

Dormy @Dormy here is your daily ping!

Giro I’m a super proud SIT teacher from all the effort you always had put in ❤

Ghost_Girl The person eating the cat still scares me to this day AAAAAAAAA

Chris_406 You’re one of the strongest people I know ❤

Dany You should totally make your own nature documentaries! xD

Minidynamo The best chleb I have ever met :3

Zombie How big is your starbucks/coffee collection now?

Zedey You were a great recruiting warrior and SIT! Hope you’re doing well ❤

Abi You and chevy made me laugh so much in that SIT Group xD #SLEEPBAND forever

Dragon You’re an amazing friend to me……gross idiot. Thank you for being there for me ❤

AustinFraud Bestie, just remember that you’re L and I’m W. Genshin again when? Also don’t get consumed by CPA smh :e9:

Aaronstone Fake irish stinky furrystone. You’re a great friend to me. 

Comedy We need to play Rummikab again! Thank you for all your advice and support :3

BEASTO Thank you for being someone I can talk to ❤ Also your GFX designs are one of the best! Fortnite again when?!

Coolguy I will beat you in just you watch.

Disha You are the Anna to my Elsa ❤

JojoTeri Dumbass rock. I’m very glad we became friends and that I unbanned you in IW. 

ROOBOO Thank you for all your kind words and for always reminding me of all my good sides and to be the best I can be :Lucylove: You’re Unbelievable ❤

Diwix I value our friendship so much. Thank you for all the amazing reminders ❤

Pandor You better fix your typing habits Pandora.

IKKA You’ll always be a cow. MOOO. 

Desireus Most epic Roblox Got Talent judge!

Mayathefirst You’re a legend for the best war idea ever:

SidLen Your cats are the cutest :3

Real The time we fooled everyone was ofc Pran’s fault but it was HILARIOUS lol

Pran ^ I won’t forget that. IW and FGCP is amazing with you in it :3

Ugly I can’t recall if I knew you or Austin first. I still remember the jokes during that one plant army event xD

Shpec I appreciate all the belief and support you’ve shown me ❤

Sip How is your sippy cup?? Also SHUT UP! 

Mabel ORF ORF ORF love you and your seals ❤

Raven I’m depending on you and Jojo to carry me again in LoL. 

Kyle You’re one of the most crazy hardworkers I have met. 

Popcorny I love how similar our music taste is, thank you for that amazing playlist! Maybe make another one? hehee

Cargo I’m glad to know you, you’re one of the most down-to-earth IW HOF ever ❤

Mare Best CPA Mum ever ❤ Thank you for all the love :3

Chris183 Have you had your sandwich? Also, I still need to see one piece.

Swirl Despite everything, I’ll always cherish all the good times we had and I’m thankful for everything you supported me with.

Legoman You made my british accent become so famous in 2020 CPA xD. Hope you’re doing well homieee. 

Infinite You’re a legend at saying Good morning and Goodnight xD

Cyan Your drawings were legendary! You’ve got such raw amazing talent. I hope you’re doing well ❤

Madara You and your millions of pets are super cool! I’m so proud of you :3

Hafsa Best nerd sister ever :3

Houdab Best Corporal IW has ever seen!

Special mentions to: Elaina, Kaiprime, Ponguin, Jerry/Vortex, Foxy, Unfacelessfox, theOne, AKIRA, XtreemGamer, Demonater, Uher, Sasha, Smelly, Wrex, Dark Angel, Nik920, Emmautir, Glitter, Banananananana, CatToad, MsFlimFlam, Chezy, Livia, Glaceon, ErrorOliver, Dave127, Cloudyy, Aidan, Owl, Cherry, Caitlyn, Yoni, Kapi, Super, BlueRaven, Milkywayy, Steffen_Reed, Tomaro, TheNathanBoy, HeadChicken, Pokeshroom, Natleongkx, Woofy, Ger_Elias, NinjaLeader, Evilvengencebilbao, Buggie, Kurooo, WhiteIce,Clen/Enkycake, Sunny, 1213wi, Ducky, Pastelcry, Dark Angel, Aurinx, Vikram, Derpikiyet Ney, Brook, MTJordan, Pingo, Klutzy, Ant, Link3000, Gianna, Moonlemur, Elexencock, F6, Wynn, Snowy, Jakuba, Paddy, Amber, Sanya, Yoda, Sano, Camotes, Caramel, Dino, Chamitao, Racecar, Fulcrum, Xing, McHappy, Spotty, Shadow, FWAPO, G90.

I have met so many people and made so many friends and if I had it my way, I would like to personally mention and thank each and every one of you. I’m so sorry if I missed your name, please remember that it was unintentional.

P.S I am the Real Elsa.

❄💙love you all forever and always, remember to love yourselves 💙❄

One Response

  1. Omggg I never replied to this tyy IceQ for the mention now its time to be a real British and touch grass for once!!!! orf orf orf


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