Ice Warriors’ 16th Anniversary: June 2023

Hey Ice Warriors, last week we celebrated Ice Warriors’ Sweet 16th birthday! 💙❄️Ice Warriors was first founded by the legendary burt-bagel-lover 🥯 Iceyfeet1234 when he was just tiny penguin on the 1st of June 2007. Continue reading to find out the events we hosted to celebrate this years anniversary!

Ice Warriors’ Skribblio Competition!

This was hosted on the 2nd of June by Origin and I. The custom words were IW Anniversary themed and contributed by our amazing staff. 💙❄️ The top three were: Sebzy, Melon and Ducky! Origin ❤️was also promoted to Trusted Staff! Congratulations 🥳

More drawings can be found here in #event-pics, link: 

Ice Warriors’ Sweet 16 and Icey’s Birthday Party!

The official 16th anniversary date was 1st June 2023, however, we celebrated on the 3rd of June which was coincidentally also Icey’s birthday! Throughout the event, we had a total of almost ~40 attendees! Thank you to all of you for showing up and showing your love, dedication and support to the Ice Warriors’ family. 💙❄️

Ice Warriors’ newly inducted leaders: qtBen & Cloudy!

As part of the celebrations, on 3rd June, we also inducted 2 amazing LITs to Leader! 🥳They were none other than qtBen and Cloudy! 🐢👀qtben and cloudy promo Screenshot 2023-06-06 213343

Ice Warriors’ Discord Games Competition!

This was hosted on the 3rd June as an after-party by Mogi4! 👑The winner was: Super! 😎

Ice Warriors’ Art Contest

Results will be posted on the 11th of June! Stay tuned for this post to be updated with the winners!

Thank you for reading the recap of what went on during the 16th Anniversary Week. Comment below on what your favourite part was! 

❄️💙love you all forever and always, don’t forget to love yourselves 💙❄️

One Response

  1. Happy sweet 16 IW and happy belated birthday to Icey!

    May the force be with y’all! 💙



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