Fan Art Friday #3

Hey Ice Warriors!

Hope you’re all having a good Friday! Time to yet again showcase some of the amazing art pieces in our fan art channel on Discord! The talent we have is so amazing, carry on posting guys, next week your art may also be featured!

The first piece is an awesome Ice Warriors drawing from our Warrant Officer, Diamond!

This piece is a cool edited custom picture made on ‘Jamboard’ by our Private 1st class, TetnoBlox!

The next piece is a beautiful Watercolour painting from our Private, Dogaro Dujo!

Here we have an amazing piece created on Clip Studio Paint, it’s called ‘Smol Alastor’ from our Private, Skylor!

Our Private, Ameerpajijigaming creating this stunning piece on Ibis paint!

Lastly, we have this amazing drawing from our staff in training, Manta!

That’s it for today! Which piece is your favourite? Comment below to let us know 🙂 

If you would like your art to be featured next time, make sure to post it in the #fan-art channel of our Discord!



Ice Warriors, Second in Command

5 Responses

  1. Some nice fanarts this week!! I think my favorites from this week has to be that first Ice Warriors drawing from diamond and the doggo from Manta ❤


  2. omg we got amazing art! I actually cant choose between the doggy or Ice Warriors logo for my favorite LOL. Skylor always makes amazing art, and the water painting is really pretty!! The custom picture and ibis art are wonderful, <33


  3. 💗💓💗💓💖💖good art


  4. All Of Them Are Awesome! keep the good work guys


  5. Wow everybody is so talented! Like how-
    Keep up the amazing art IW 💜


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